WNC is invited by Citi Securities to attend the Citi Regional Tech Conference 2023

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WNC is invited by Citi Securities to attend the Citi Regional Tech Conference 2023

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Company code: 6285
No: 1
Subject: WNC is invited by Citi Securities to attend the Citi Regional Tech Conference 2023
To which item it meets--article 4 paragraph xx: 12
Date of events: 2023/05/31

  • Date of institutional investor conference: 2023/05/31
  • Time of institutional investor conference: 10:00 AM(Taiwan Time)
  • Location of institutional investor conference: The W Hotel,Taipei. 
  • Outline of institutional investor conference: 
    • WNC is invited by Citi Securities to attend the Citi Regional Tech Conference 2023
    • Provide an overview of the company's operational and financial results
  • Any other matters that need to be specified:None