Announcement of the Company's unaudited consolidated financial results for 4Q 2021
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Company code: 6285
No: 1
Subject: Announcement of the Company's unaudited consolidated financial results for 4Q 2021
To which item it meets: article 4 paragraph 51
Date of events: 2022/01/18
- Date of occurrence of the event:2022/01/18
- Company name: Wistron NeWeb Corp.
- Relationship to the Company (please enter "head office" or "subsidiaries"): Head office
- Reciprocal shareholding ratios: N/A
- Cause of occurrence:
Announcement of the Company's unaudited consolidated financial results for 4Q 2021(The figures are not yet audited by CPA)
Unit: NT$ thousands (except EPS)
Oct. to Dec., 2021 Jan. to Dec., 2021 Operating revenue 19,053,226 67,229,599 Gross profit 1,939,329 7,253,928 Operating income 195,216 880,736 Income before tax 398,739 1,411,665 Net income 332,164 1,232,154 EPS NT$ 0.85 NT$ 3.15 - Countermeasures: None
- Any other matters that need to be specified: None