WNC's Automotive HPC Wins the Hsinchu Science Park Innovative Product Award
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Hsinchu, December 13, 2024 - Wistron NeWeb Corp (WNC) has invested a lot of effort in the automotive sector for many years now. In recent years, the company has collaborated with major international chip makers and leading automobile manufacturers to enhance its R&D capabilities and develop innovative products. The High Performance Computer (HPC) rolled out by WNC this year received the Hsinchu Science Park Innovative Product Award.
WNC developed this award-winning HPC based on the latest Electrical/Electronic architecture (EEA), creating a modularized and centralized high-speed and real-time computing platform through software and hardware integration. The use of open-source middleware overcomes the obstacle to integrate automotive system peripherals, consolidating functionalities from the underlying firmware to the application layer and thereby expediting customer’s product development processes.
In addition, the AI-based WNC ADAS Stack embedded in the product utilizes an AI model to consolidate information from multiple sensors, significantly boosting car manufacturers’ system development efficiency. Modularized design allows customers to change SOC modules rapidly according to function requirements, sensor selection, chip computing power and costs.
About the Innovative Product Award
The Hsinchu Science Park Bureau established this award to encourage companies in the Park to conduct innovative research and develop new products that improve technologies and enhance competitiveness. The evaluation criteria focuses on innovation, technology, competitiveness, as well as human resources and capital invested in research. To win this award, companies need to undergo a rigorous and objective process, including submission of related documents at the first stage and an in-person presentation for the final review.
啓碁科技はネットワーク通信ソリューションのリーダー的業者で、2023年年間収益は36億米ドルに達しています。本社及び研究開発拠点を台湾新竹サイエンスパークに設け、台湾、ベトナム、中国、アメリカ、イギリス、ドイツ、日本、メキシコなどに営業および製造拠点を有し、全世界の従業員は11,000名を超えています。WNCは、5G、Wi-Fi 6/7、衛星ブロードバンド、車載インフォテインメント、車載通信、先進運転支援システム、高速スイッチ、SD-WANソリューション、5G O-RAN設備等のエッジ対応インフラストラクチャを含む短・中・長距離通信技術ソリューションを提供しています。また、アンテナ/RF設計とシステム統合の専門知識を活かし、ネットワーク機器開発会社、大手通信事業者、自動車メーカーと自動車エレクトロニクス企業の重要サプライヤーとなっています。詳細は下記URLのホームページをご覧ください, www.wnc.com.tw