WNC to Exhibit AI-driven, Value-added Services and High-speed Network Communications Solutions at CES 2025



WNC to Exhibit AI-driven, Value-added Services and High-speed Network Communications Solutions at CES 2025

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Hsinchu, January 2, 2025 - Wistron NeWeb Corp. (WNC), a leading provider of communications solutions, will take part in CES 2025 under the theme of AI-Driven Connectivity for a Smarter Future, showcasing converged networks, AI-driven value-added software and smart home applications. For the automotive sector, WNC has rolled out a High Performance Computer (HPC), leveraging its strength in software and hardware integration to help customers expedite development processes. The company also utilizes AI technologies to create high-speed connectivity and boost customers’ development efficiency, epitomizing WNC’s capabilities in integrating multiple communications technologies.


Value-added services driven by AI technologies and smart home solutions 

WNC boasts a rich portfolio of user device and network communications products. With advanced communications technologies, flexible product combinations, open-source platforms, and AI-driven software, the company provides customers and partners with comprehensive choices. For value-added software driven by AI, WNC offers integrated AI technology, SON (Self-Organizing Network), Wi-Fi mesh networks and Smart QoS applications as complete solutions with a user-friendly interface, allowing users to set up fast, low-latency broadband networks with enterprise-grade security. With AI, WNC’s SON adjusts network connections by analyzing user behavior and network conditions, simplifying Wi-Fi mesh network management. Additionally, WNC’s advanced Smart QoS applications use AI to automatically detect and classify Internet applications, enabling priority-based traffic management tailored to create optimized network environments. WNC’s Smart Home solution, comprising a Smart Controller, Smart Thermostat, and an IP Cam, creates high-speed networks and helps ensure home network security via 5G CPE and Wi-Fi routers.


Boosting customer development efficiency through modular auomotive HPC

WNC developed its HPC based on the latest Electrical/Electronic architecture (EEA), creating a modularized and centralized high-speed and real-time computing platform through software and hardware integration. The use of open-source middleware facilitates integration of automotive system peripherals and helps consolidate functionalities from the junderlying firmware to the application layer, thereby expediting automotive system integrator customers’ product development processes. In addition, the AI-based WNC ADAS Stack embedded in the product uses an AI model to consolidate information from multiple sensors, significantly boosting car manufacturers’ system development efficiency. The HPC’s modularized design allows for flexible SOC modules selection and design to meet fast changing system requirements in areas such as sensor selection, computing power and costs.


The proliferation of AI has driven demand for high-speed networks. In response to this, WNC has rolled out an 800G switch and optical transceiver that enable high-speed connectivity for AI data centers. On the sustainability front, to make its products more sustainable, WNC adopts low-carbon and green product design concepts, incorporates materials such as recycled PET and fabric made from discarded oyster shells in its products, and uses environmentally-friendly packaging. The aforementioned actions show that WNC is committed to facilitating the creation of a connected and sustainable world through developing advanced network communications products and services, and providing our partners worldwide with AI-driven value-added services and green product solutions.


WNC booth location: Veronese 2504, Venetian Expo


啓碁科技はネットワーク通信ソリューションのリーダー的業者で、2023年年間収益は36億米ドルに達しています。本社及び研究開発拠点を台湾新竹サイエンスパークに設け、台湾、ベトナム、中国、アメリカ、イギリス、ドイツ、日本、メキシコなどに営業および製造拠点を有し、全世界の従業員は11,000名を超えています。WNCは、5G、Wi-Fi 6/7、衛星ブロードバンド、車載インフォテインメント、車載通信、先進運転支援システム、高速スイッチ、SD-WANソリューション、5G O-RAN設備等のエッジ対応インフラストラクチャを含む短・中・長距離通信技術ソリューションを提供しています。また、アンテナ/RF設計とシステム統合の専門知識を活かし、ネットワーク機器開発会社、大手通信事業者、自動車メーカーと自動車エレクトロニクス企業の重要サプライヤーとなっています。詳細は下記URLのホームページをご覧ください, www.wnc.com.tw


Molly Lin
