Resolution of the BOD on dividend distributions
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Company code: 6285
No: 5
Subject: Resolution of the BOD on dividend distributions
To which item it meets--article 4 paragraph xx: 14
Date of events: 2023/03/10
- Date of the board of directors resolution: 2023/03/10
- Year or quarter which dividends belong to: 2022
- Period which dividends belong to: 2022/01/01–2022/12/31
- Appropriations of earnings in cash dividends to shareholders (NT$ per share): 5.0
- Cash distributed from legal reserve and capital surplus to shareholders (NT$ per share): 0
- Total amount of cash distributed to shareholders (NT$): 2,024,042,065
- Appropriations of earnings in stock dividends to shareholders (NT$ per share): 0
- Stock distributed from legal reserve and capital surplus to shareholders (NT$ per share): 0
- Total amount of stock distributed to shareholders (shares): 0
- Any other matters that need to be specified: Changes in the remeasurements of defined benefit plans of the current period: NT$34,056,800
- Per value of common stock: NT$10.0000