WNC included in S&P Global Sustainability Yearbook 2022
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Hsinchu, Taiwan—February 21, 2022—International sustainability rating agency S&P Global recently released its 2022 Sustainability Yearbook. WNC is honored to be selected as a member for this year’s Yearbook. More than 7,500 companies from around the world were invited to participate in assessment this year. In the communications equipment industry (CMT) which WNC is associated with, a total of 60 companies participated in assessment, and only three were included in the Yearbook, namely Cisco, Ericsson, and WNC. This makes WNC the only network communications company in Taiwan to be selected for the Yearbook.
In 2011, WNC published its first CSR report. The report has undergone third party verification annually since 2013, and from 2015 onward WNC has been honored annually at the Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards (TCSA) for its efforts in CSR. For some years, WNC has participated in assessments conducted by CDP, EcoVadis and other international rating agencies, to improve the quality and comprehensiveness of its sustainability reporting. It has also established quality, environment, energy, occupational safety and health, and information security management systems to optimize the quality of its products and services, implement environmentally-friendly measures in its operations, and ensure the safety of work environments.
To incorporate ESG criteria into company operations, WNC has implemented programs to optimize energy usage efficiency, increase the amount of renewable energy in total energy use, and facilitate green product design. WNC has publicly expressed its support for the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and is taking steps to identify risks and opportunities brought about by climate change, evaluate the potential impact of climate change on its operations and financial performance, and formulate measures to mitigate and manage said impact. In terms of social responsibility, WNC has established a number of internal communication channels and talent development programs for its employees. In addition, WNC is providing long-term subsidies to several university service clubs, is sponsoring elementary schools in rural areas to help support heritage education, and has taken action to assist social welfare groups, social enterprises, and local farmers. WNC is also improving its corporate governance in accordance with the recommendations in the Financial Supervisory Commission’s Corporate Governance 3.0 - Sustainable Development Roadmap to enhance its operational flexibility and resilience as well as its sustainable competitiveness.
啓碁科技はネットワーク通信ソリューションのリーダー的業者で、2023年年間収益は36億米ドルに達しています。本社及び研究開発拠点を台湾新竹サイエンスパークに設け、台湾、ベトナム、中国、アメリカ、イギリス、ドイツ、日本、メキシコなどに営業および製造拠点を有し、全世界の従業員は11,000名を超えています。WNCは、5G、Wi-Fi 6/7、衛星ブロードバンド、車載インフォテインメント、車載通信、先進運転支援システム、高速スイッチ、SD-WANソリューション、5G O-RAN設備等のエッジ対応インフラストラクチャを含む短・中・長距離通信技術ソリューションを提供しています。また、アンテナ/RF設計とシステム統合の専門知識を活かし、ネットワーク機器開発会社、大手通信事業者、自動車メーカーと自動車エレクトロニクス企業の重要サプライヤーとなっています。詳細は下記URLのホームページをご覧ください, www.wnc.com.tw