WNC awarded a Silver Medal at the 2022 Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards
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Hsinchu, Taiwan — November 16, 2022 — The Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy held its 2022 Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards (TCSA) Ceremony at The Grand Hotel Taipei this morning. WNC was awarded a Silver Medal in the Corporate Sustainability Report Awards category. This marks the ninth successive year that WNC has been recognized at the TCSA. The Institute assesses sustainability reports and webpage information according to information disclosure criteria including completeness, transparency, materiality, timeliness, and communication efficacy.
WNC is deeply committed to sustainable development and corporate social responsibility practices and implements measures concerning workers’ rights, product liability, environmental protection and occupational health and safety in its day-to-day operations. Low carbon transition is WNC’s key strategy in enhancing climate resilience and sustainable development of the company. WNC has also been undertaking energy saving and carbon and waste reduction initiatives, establishing renewable energy facilities and promoting green building certification projects. Regarding environmental sustainability, in 2021 WNC’s production sites achieved carbon emissions reduction equivalent to 1,948 tons of CO2e, 2.13 GWh of electricity was generated from solar power plants and waste recycling exceeded 85%. In terms of social participation, pivoting on support for youth education, WNC continues to provide special education resources to remote schools via long-term sponsorship programs with the Taiwan Fund for Children and Families in Hsinchu, Miaoli and Tainan. In addition, WNC runs industry-academia exchanges and activity sponsorships with a number of key colleges and universities.
As people around the world learn to adapt to new lifestyles and work models amid the impact of the pandemic, challenges caused by extreme weather are also looming. WNC has established goals to reduce GHG emissions intensity by 50% compared to 2019 and increase the ratio of renewable energy use to 30% of total energy use by 2030. As a leading company in the networking industry, WNC will continue to create positive connections, interactions, and development for the environment and society.
啓碁科技はネットワーク通信ソリューションのリーダー的業者で、2023年年間収益は36億米ドルに達しています。本社及び研究開発拠点を台湾新竹サイエンスパークに設け、台湾、ベトナム、中国、アメリカ、イギリス、ドイツ、日本、メキシコなどに営業および製造拠点を有し、全世界の従業員は11,000名を超えています。WNCは、5G、Wi-Fi 6/7、衛星ブロードバンド、車載インフォテインメント、車載通信、先進運転支援システム、高速スイッチ、SD-WANソリューション、5G O-RAN設備等のエッジ対応インフラストラクチャを含む短・中・長距離通信技術ソリューションを提供しています。また、アンテナ/RF設計とシステム統合の専門知識を活かし、ネットワーク機器開発会社、大手通信事業者、自動車メーカーと自動車エレクトロニクス企業の重要サプライヤーとなっています。詳細は下記URLのホームページをご覧ください, www.wnc.com.tw